Kazco - Dealing with your frustration with Sales, Marketing or OperationsContact Kazco on +1 310 379 1674 if you want us to help you turn your business from being good at what it does into being great at what it does. Many owners, directors and venture capitalists are frustrated with their organization's lack of sales, their marketing or operations in local or international markets. Kazco helps you remove the stress of dealing with the unknown when your business faces these challenges, enabling you to tap into the experience and successes achieved elsewhere. We are energetic, straight talking professionals, each with over 17 years experience in the FMCG, food and non-food consumer goods sector in the UK, the USA and other countries. Based in the UK, we spend a proportion of each month in the USA, which means we are an ideal resource for organizations that want to sell in both markets. You can use us to achieve a better strategic sales direction, improved operations, a better team or simply more sales. Contact us on +1 310 379 1674 or here ![]() "Kazco demonstrates an all round view of business issues, of purchasing, manufacturing and operations, a sound commercial mind, by combining all of these factors together, Kazco is able to develop rounded solutions to problems, rather than simply focus on satisfying one area of the business. Kazco’s overriding objective is to always put the customer first". Neil Burchell, Managing Director, Rachel’s Organic. Contact us on +1 310 379 1674 or here ![]() Improving Your Sales We work with companies that have concerns over:
We help you increase your revenue streams by working with you to build sales management control systems and developing your staff. Contact us on +1 310 379 1674 or here ![]() Improving Your Marketing
We work with clients who are worried they might be trying to promote the wrong product to the wrong market. This can happen when you don't have a marketing plan that is backed up by a proper evaluation of the market. Kazco can help you deliver successful marketing campaigns, improving awareness of your products and services. Contact us on +1 310 379 1674 or here ![]() Improving Your Operations This can be about getting the product from a to b, aligning a factory after years of gradual evolution. It can also be about delivering value from a service in a highly competitive market place. These problems can seem huge, but people are key to any company's operation. By working with your staff, you could see rewards and benefits greater than ever imagined. Contact us on +1 310 379 1674 or here ![]() |